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Case Studies

Case studies relating to the following topics will be uploaded on the site as and when they become available:

HSE Safety alert for welding fume posted on website

There is new scientific evidence from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause lung cancer and possibly kidney cancer in humans. The UK Workplace Health Expert Committee has endorsed the reclassification of mild steel welding fume as a human carcinogen ...
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Changing hardener reduces benzene exposure

As part of a major piece of research undertaken by the HSE in conjunction with several UK foundries, exposure to a number of chemical substances were measured including benzene, which has a current workplace exposure limit (WEL) of 1 part per million in air (1 ppm). In the case of ...
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/ Case Studies, Exposure

A members report on molten metal clothing

After attending the excellent SHAD event at PMT Industries back in October we took the decision to replace all of our caster's PPE with MARLAN SX that was demonstrated on the day. This decision has been proved a wise one following a recent incident where a ruptured cooling line on ...
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/ Burns, Case Studies