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Warning – Fake HSE e-mails being sent to businesses

We are aware that e-mails are being sent to businesses in the UK purporting to be sent from a Health & Safety Executive (HSE) account. They are e-mails are  threatening prosecution of your company for breaching coronavirus rules. Be alert - These e-mails are FAKE. They claim your business is under investigation for failing to manage coronavirus risks and could be shut down. They state directors are facing criminal action. To the untrained eye these emails look convincing and are ...
/ Latest Developments, News

Cast Metals Federation launches top trumps for directors for health and safety

The Cast Metals Federation is pleased to launch a new document aimed at helping those foundry owners and directors or suppliers of products and services to UK foundries, to start to improve health and safety within their businesses. Based on the enforcement activities of the Health and Safety Executive and other authorised bodies, the document is a response to issues identified and that need to be tackled to help prevent accidents and occurrences of ill-health in the workplace.  It also ...
/ Current Activities, News

SHIFT website downloads page is live

The downloads page for the SHIFT website has today gone live with the first two documents being made available for public download. The first two documents are the HSE operational plan for 2019/20 which details which areas will be visited by the HSE during a planned intervention between October & December 2019, and, the HSE research report RR1115 - Exposure to substances hazardous to health in foundries.  This report looks at working practices in foundries and the exposure to hazardous ...
/ News

Can we put a cost on getting health and safety wrong? – We can give it a good go!

People say you can’t truly understand the costs of doing health and safety versus not doing it. This may be true, it may not be.  There are many intangible effects that are hard to quantify, but somethings such as less sickness absence, less accidents resulting in time lost through injuries etc. can be measured.  Doing so, can help offer benefits to businesses and help them understand the long term costs saved by not causing injury or ill-health to the workforce ...

Welding fume question and answer session with the HSE

As part of the record equalling SHIFT forum held in early July 2019, the HSE provided three key people involved in the new work on tackling welding fume to come along and offer delegates an almost unique open question and answer session related directly to the change in classification and what it means for welding in foundries. Information presented on the day included: The HSE web pages for the welding section are being removed. Information where possible that could be ...