New case study added – hazardous substance substitution
As part of work undertaken by the HSE for the Exposure to substances hazardous to health in foundries research project (RR1115), a number of substances were monitored across the volunteer sites. In the case of benzene emitted from moulds during cooling, it was found that changing from BSA to XSA hardeners improved emissions and made the workplace healthier for employees. Please see case studies for more details and a download poster to illustrate the results and benefits ...
New FAQ added – Employing hearing impaired staff
A new FAQ has been added to the website. The question is can foundries employ hearing impaired staff? In short yes. We know that the foundry shop floor can be a noisy and hazardous environment to be in but that does not mean hearing impaired people cannot be employed. Hearing impaired people work in a variety of hazardous industries and areas, when supported by employers and can have long and successful careers, the same as for any other person. For ...
SHIFT welcomes new members
SHIFT is delighted to announce three new members to the initiative. Furniss & White (Foundries) Ltd Investacast Ltd Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd We would like to extend a big welcome and look forward to working with them going forwards. For more information on becoming a member of SHIFT please contact Richard Heath on 0121 809 3500 or [email protected] ...
New SHIFT Initiative website goes live
The SHIFT initiative is delighted to be able to share with our members and others the news that as of today we have a new website to host relevant and important information for UK foundries. As part of the aim of SHIFT is to reach as many UK foundries as possible, we are now able to offer much more interaction with the site, including searching for keywords or phrases when seeking assistance or looking for information, as well as having ...
HSE enforcement Actions 2017/18
In their operational year 2017/18, the Health & Safety Executive issued a total of 34 notices (32 improvement, 2 prohibition) to 20 UK foundries. The notices cover both safety and occupational health ranging from unguarded machinery through to lack of cleaning and maintenance of cooling towers to control legionella and use of airlines for blowing out sand moulds, lack of PPE being used and more. Over half of the breaches for occupational health were for the failure to conduct a ...