Annual Statistics
The latest full year Annual Statistics from the UK foundry Industry’s SHIFT Initiative has been completed and circulated to all members. With members having had time to read and review the report, we are pleased to present it to the wider world at large.
Given the work that members and associated partners are undertaking together, we are pleased to announce that SHIFT remains on course to meet its goal of a 25% reduction in the number of accidents and work related ill-health occurrences by the end of 2017.
A third phase of the initiative will start in 2018 and it will be the full 2017 year reporting figures that set the starting point for this third phase.
To see more details on the type and frequency of accidents please select the appropriate year file to view the data.
If you are a UK foundry and after reading the report are interested in discussing membership of SHIFT and the potential benefits it brings to your site, please contact Richard Heath, Cast Metals Federation on 0121 601 6392 for further information. All UK foundries of any size, covering all casting processes and all metals are welcome to be members.