HSE / CMF Molten Metal Safety Alert
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are investigating a number of molten metal/moisture explosions that have occurred in UK foundries ...
HSE Supports SHIFT with member webinars
December 2020, saw an excellent presentation from Chris Steel, Noise and Vibration Specialist, Health and Safety Executive, on the management ...
Deep dives possible as the Foundry Safety Initiative SHIFTs online
The SHIFT initiative, which aims to share knowledge and best practice in health and safety amongst its foundry industry members, ...
Cast Metals Federation launches top trumps for directors for health and safety
The Cast Metals Federation is pleased to launch a new document aimed at helping those foundry owners and directors or ...
Can we put a cost on getting health and safety wrong? – We can give it a good go!
People say you can’t truly understand the costs of doing health and safety versus not doing it. This may be ...
Welding fume question and answer session with the HSE
As part of the record equalling SHIFT forum held in early July 2019, the HSE provided three key people involved ...
Dedicated visits to foundries as part of the HSE 2019/20 operational plan
The UK government directs what needs to be done to help keep people safe and healthy. Hence in the UK ...
SHIFTing Health & Safety with Record Attendance
A record equalling 91 delegates attended the July 2019 SHIFT forum, which focussed on welding fume and how to handle ...