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Latest Developments

HSE silica campaign is impacting on UK foundries

In October 2022 the HSE started their latest proactive inspection campaign looking at users of silica.  This campaign includes foundries.  ...
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HSE / CMF Molten Metal Safety Alert

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are investigating a number of molten metal/moisture explosions that have occurred in UK foundries ...
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Deep dives possible as the Foundry Safety Initiative SHIFTs online

The SHIFT initiative, which aims to share knowledge and best practice in health and safety amongst its foundry industry members, ...
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CMF publishes Covid-19 business support document

The Cast Metals Federation has been working behind the scenes with its members, taking guidance from official UK sources including ...
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Warning – Fake HSE e-mails being sent to businesses

We are aware that e-mails are being sent to businesses in the UK purporting to be sent from a Health ...
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Welding fume question and answer session with the HSE

As part of the record equalling SHIFT forum held in early July 2019, the HSE provided three key people involved ...
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Change in classification for formaldehyde

The EU Parliament has, after a review, adopted a position on formaldehyde as part of the 3rd wave of revisions ...
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HSE Safety alert for welding fume posted on website

There is new scientific evidence from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that exposure to mild steel welding ...
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HSE Publishes Long Latency Report

After a long delay the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have finally published the results of the long awaiting Foundry Long ...
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HSE Publish Health & Work Strategy

The HSE have published on their website, their Health and Work strategy including the priority areas.  The effort is being focussed around conditions ...
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