The SHIFT initiative, which aims to share knowledge and best practice in health and safety amongst its foundry industry members, quickly switched to on-line meetings last year.
Whist it is of course regrettable that physical meetings are not possible, the organisers recognised that webinars were the way forward and offer a valuable means to help share best practice and provide new/refreshed information to members.
Since October 2020, five webinars have been held. Four have focussed on the topic of COSHH and by hosting a series of targeted events, SHIFT was able to delve into the topic in a depth not possible in the normal SHIFT workshops. For the first time, the toxicity of metals was covered in its own dedicated session, helping to expand the knowledge of members and allowing them to consider their risk assessments and control measures, in light of the information imparted.
“The Management of Noise in the workplace”, will be the topic for a future webinar to be led by Chris Steel, Health and Safety Executive.
Future presentations on this topic are planned, as further deep dives, as well as presentations on mental health and dealing with hazardous substances, plus the management of health and safety in the workplace.
These webinars are only open to CMF / SHIFT members. If you would like to know more about CMF membership, contact [email protected] and for SHIFT membership (open to UK foundries only) contact [email protected]